Selasa, 02 Mei 2017

Psycholinguistics: Language Disorder


2016 / 2017

            First of all, give thanks for Allah is love and grace for us. Thanks to Allah for helping us and give us chance to finish this assignment timely. And we would like to say thank you to lecturer that always teaches us and give knowledge about how to practice English very well.
This assignment is the one of English exercises, this subject is Psycholinguitics: Language Disorder. I realized this assignment is not perfectly. But we hope it can be useful for us. Critics and suggestions is needed here to make this assignment to be better.
   Thanks for attention and forgive if  we have some mistakes.

Bengkalis,    May 2017
The Writers


PREFACE............................................................................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER  I  INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER  II  DISCUSSION........................................................................................... 2
A. Speech Disorder.............................................................................................................. 2
1. Disorder of Speech Mechanism................................................................................. 2
2. Multifactoral Disorders.............................................................................................. 3
3. Psychogenic Disorders................................................................................................ 5
B. Language Disorder......................................................................................................... 8
1. Motoric Aphasia.......................................................................................................... 8
2. Sensory Aphasia......................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER  III  CONCLUSION....................................................................................... 10
REFERENCE...................................................................................................................... 11

            Language is a means of communication between members of the public in the form of a sound symbol produced by a human speech tool. Speaking is the process of communicating the language. The process of speaking itself requires the thoughts and feelings of the human brain to produce words or phrases.
A good talk tool makes it easy to speak well. However, those who have abnormal brain function and speech, certainly have difficulty in speaking, both productive and receptive. This is called a language disorder.
These language disturbances will actually affect the process of communication and language. Many factors that affect and cause language disorders, then these factors will cause language disorders. Therefore, in this paper will be described the kinds of language disorders that are often experienced by humans along with the factors that cause it.
The language disorder can be differentiated into three groups, namely (1) speech disorders, (2) language disorders, and (3) impaired thinking. The three disturbances can still be overcome if the sufferer has normal hearing powers. Otherwise it will be difficult or even very difficult.

A.    Speech Disorder
Speech is a motor activity that contains psychic modalities. Therefore, these speech disorders can be grouped into two categories. First, a speech disorder that implicates in organic disorders. And second, psychogenic speech disorder.
1.       Disorder of Speech Mechanism
The mechanism of speech is a process of speech production by the integrated activity of the vocal cords, tongue, muscles that make up the mouth and throat, and the lungs. Thus the disorder of speech based on this technique can be broken down into speech disorders due to abnormalities in the lungs, the vocal cords, the tongue, and the oral cavity and esophagus.
a)      Pulmonary Factor Disorders
This speech disorder is experienced by people with lung disease. The sufferers of this lung disease have very little breathing power, so the way of speaking is colored by monotone tones, the volume is very small, and disjointed, although in terms of semantics and syntax there is no problem.
b)      Lost Factor Disorders
Destruction of the vocal cords causes the resulting sound to become hoarse or disappear all together. Speech disruption due to this factor of the lining is characterized by a hoarse or missing voice, with no semantic and syntactic abnormalities. That, in terms of semantics and syntax of speech can be accepted.
c)      Lingual Factor Disorders
Tongue that canker sores or injured will feel pain if moved. To prevent the occurrence of this pain when talking then the activity of the tongue is reduced arbitrarily. In such circumstances the pronounciation of a number of phonemes becomes imperfect, so for example, the phrase "of course he will deny" might be pronounced as "o koh i vil di nay". In people who are stroke and the body is paralyzed, the tongue is paralyzed. Therefore, the way of speaking will also be disrupted, namely to be a lisp. The medical term is disatria (which means disruption of articulation).
d)     Resonance Factor Disorders
The noise caused by this resonance factor causes the resulting sound to become muddy. In a cleft, for example. The sound becomes hum because the oral cavity and the nasal cavity are used to communicate through a defect in the hard palate (palatum), so the resonance should be disturbed. This also occurs in people who experience paralysis of the soft palate (velum). This ceiling cavity does not provide the proper resonance, so that the sound becomes muffled. Patients with myasthenia gravis disease (a disorder that causes muscles to become weak and tired quickly) are often recognized directly because of this scourge.
2.      Multifactorial Disorders
Due to multifactorial disorder or various factors can cause various disorders of various speech disorders. Among others are the following:
a)      Speechy Speech
Speaking haphazardly is speaking very quickly, with broken articulation, plus "swallow" a number of syllables, so that what is said is elusive. In everyday life this case is rarely encountered. But in the practice of medicine is often encountered. For example, the phrase "I have been here several times in the morning" is pronounced quickly as "Ive binier svral tmorning". This speech is haphazard because of damage to the cerebellum or it may also occur after a minor paralysis of the body.
b)      Propulsivity Speech
Propulsive speech disorder is usually present in people with parkinson disease (damage to the brain that causes muscles to become shaky, stiff and weak). The sufferers of this disease are usually problematic in doing the movements. They are very difficult to start a movement. However, when it is moving then it can be continuously without interruption. The continuous rate motion is called propulsion. At the time of speaking this characteristic will be seen also. Articulation is greatly disturbed because the elasticity of the tongue, facial muscles, and vocal cords, is largely obliterated. In the meantime the volume is small, the rhythm is flat (monotonous). His voice was halted, then continuous, and finally faltering back. Therefore, this way of speaking is called propulsive.
c)      Mutis Speech
These mutism disorders do not speak at all. Most of them may still be considered silent, which is deliberately do not want to talk. This mutualism is not only unable to communicate verbally but also can not communicate visually or gestures, such as with gestures, and so on.
The scientific world has not been able to explain exactly what, the mutism is. Therefore, no wonder we get various theories and assumptions from various parties about the mutism. Therefore, any person who can not communicate verbs is expressed as mutistic. That way someone who is silent as a protestnonverbal act can be considered to be suffering from hysterical mutism, when in fact it is a hysterical conversion syndrome. Another embodiment of hysteria is an elective mutism because it is addressed to the elderly, for example to the teacher or to his or her maid. Today what used to be known as akinetic mutism is more commonly known as locked-in syndrome. In this case, the patient is still alive because the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and almost organs are still functioning. Only voluntary movements, thoughts, interests, desires and all other noble functions have not worked at all. Another cause is known. Only new estimates of this mutism may be a state of disturbed soul since birth.
Cultism can not be equated with a mute, let alone a deaf mute. In terms of this silence is actually necessary to distinguish the existence of three kinds of patients. First, a person who is mute because of the damage or deformity of the articulation means, so he can not produce speech language. But the hearing instrument is normal so he can hear other people's language voice. Second, the person who is mute because of the deformity of his articulation equipment and hearing aids, so that he can not produce speech language and also does not hear the speech of another person's language. Thirdly, the mute person who is actually a normal articulate device has no abnormalities. But the hearing instrument is damaged or there is a loss. This third-class person becomes mute because he has never heard the speech of another person's language, so he can not imitate the speech of the language.
The first-class patient, whose articulation device is damaged or subjected to weariness, while the hearing is normal, if the dominant normal brain hemisphere function, Will still be able to communicate. Of course, if invited to speak he will answer or ask in sign language, or in written language (if he has learned to write). The second group of patients who mute because tulikarena articulation tools and hearing tools damaged, if the dominant normal brain hemisphere function, will still be able to communicate With sign language or with language "read lips". To be able to communicate it certainly requires a special education and training that takes a lot of time. Patients of the third group who become mute because of damage or hearing ailments, if the normal dominant brain hemisphere function, can still be trained to produce speech language imperfectly because he can not Heard the speech of that language. Training is done by the way he is told to take care of him, holding and feeling the "mouth" of his speech trainer. He also would need a long time. Third class of cases of silence is not related to brain function. Only if the development of brain function is disturbed.
3.      Psychogenic Disorders
Besides due to the interference factor of the talking mechanism as in explain above, there is also a mental disorder caused by mental or psychogenic. This disorder is more mild because it is more accurately referred to as a normal variation of speech as an expression of mental disorders. This mental modality is revealed from the tone, intonation, the intensity of sound, pronunciation, and diction or word choice. A rhythmic or choked expression can also reflect the speaker's mental attitude. Psychogenic disorders include the following:
a)      Spoiled Speech
Called spoiled because there is the impression of desire to be spoiled as a child who makes changes in the way he speaks. The phoneme (s) is pronounced (sy) so that the phrase "it’s so beautiful" becomes "it syo beauuutifuull". Symptoms like this can be observed in senile or elderly people (usually women).
b)      Wood Speech
The term wood refers to an excessive female temperament in which this is indicated by a man. Talking of wood is characterized by lips and tongue gestures that attract attention and pronunciations that are performed prominently or extra gracefully elongated and elongated. Although this type of speech is not direct including language disorders, it can be viewed as a phonological syndrome that expresses gender identity disorder.
c)      Stuttering Speech
Stuttering is a chaotic speech that often stumbles, suddenly stops, then repeats the first syllable, the next word, and after successfully uttering the words the sentence can be solved. Like one who wants to say, "watch out for a fallen tree", but he speaks it intermittently and repeatedly so as to be following, "wa wa wa wattcchh oo oout f f for a a fal fal fallen te te tree". What causes the stutter is still not known for certain, but the following things are considered to have an important role causes of stuttering:
·         Stress factors in family life.
·         Education children Which is done strictly and strictly, by shouting and does not allow children to argue and argue.
·         The destruction of the dominant hemispheres.
·         Famial neurotic factors. If this happens to children, parents should not think it's funny because it will make the child feel embarrassed even aggravating his stutter.
Here are some things to do when faced with a stuttering child:
·         Be patient and calm.
·         Suggest the child to speak quietly.
·         Do not imitate.
·         Speak quietly and slowly and clearly so that the child has many opportunities to expression of the conversation.
·         Give the child a chance to speak and do not interrupt his speech.
·         Reward him if he speaks well.
d)     Talkative Speech
Talkative is a reflective response in the form of words or uncontrolled actions that occur when a person feels shocked. Talkative is not a mental illness, but rather a habit that is embedded in the subconscious mind. Every talkative person has different responses in reacting to shocking stimuli, including:
·         Repeating the words of others.
·         Mimicking the movements of others.
·         Speeching certain words (usually obscene words).
·         Implementing the command spontaneously on when surprised, for example: when the sufferer is struck by a command call like "squat" or "jump", he or she will perform the command immediately.
The ancestral is often equated with ekolalla, which is the act of whispering, or imitating what others say. But actually talkative is a syndrome consisting of repetitive verbal bulk that is dirty (koprolalla) and locomotive disruption that can be fished. Koprolalla in this talkative oriented on male genitals. What is often encountered by this latah disease are women aged 40 years and over. The beginning of this talkative, according to those who fell ill talkative, is when dreaming to see a lot of male penis as big and as long as eel. This talkative has a correlation with hysterical personality. This ration is an "excuse" or a reason to be able to speak and behave in porn, which essentially implies sexual invitation. Talkative is not a serious psychological disorder and many people even consider it as entertainment or something funny. But if someone wants to appear authoritative or if he does not want to be the material of the temptation/laughing of others, then he should eliminate the habit. There are two conditions that must be met for the habit of talkative can be removed quickly and the results are permanent, namely:
·         Really want to change and seriously want to get rid of your latah habits.
·         Must agree to regard latah as a bad habit and harmful ourself.
·         Talkative condition will be difficult to remove or may be relapse at any time if the patient considers to be talkative it funny, profitable and fun.

B.     Language Disorder
Language is to communicate with using a language. How the ability of language controlled by humans, closely related and in line with the development of the new human being. Children born with articulation and auditory tools who will be able to hear the words well and will also be able to mimic those words. At first the phony speech was just alike but gradually became firm and clear. The process of producing these words goes on with the process of development, recognition, and understanding. In the development of the words will be words that are abstractions or words that contain meaning. For example, the word chicken becomes a symbol of a winged two-legged animal, but does not fly like a bird. He lives and walks on earth like a dog, but does not bark, but crows. A bit more advanced then the word chicken associated with the type, usability, quality, and so forth. Thus the ability to differentiate between roosters and females, chicken and beef, has been obtained. The process of speaking and understanding language is a cerebral process, which means that the process of verbal expression and auditor's competence is carried out by nerve cells in the brain called neurons. The process of neurons in the brain is very complicated to understand. Perhaps we can simplify it with a computer tool that can store all inputs in the form of electronic joints, which can be lifted from the stash. Then this computer tool diverts the password in a form that can be understood by the world outside the computer. The word warehouse for expression of words in the brain is the broca area, whereas the word warehouse is the domain of Wernicke.
The language, as mentioned above, means communicating using a language. To be able to speak the language needed to spell the words. This means, broca and wernicke areas should function properly. Damage to the area and its surroundings cause the occurrence of a disturbance of the so-called aphasia, in this case broce itself called afemia.
Development of poluntar motion in the brain that was initially rigid and rough, then become flexible, it did not happen to both the brain same. The neuronal mechanism underlying the refinement of the voluntary movement was more complete and more complicated only in one part of the brain. Therefore, there are those who are better able to use the left limb from the right, or vice versa. So there are people left-handed or not right-handed. The hemisphere of the brain which has a more perfect neuronal organization is known as the dominant hemisphere. In the growth and development of the brain the formation of the Broca and Wernicke regions occurs in the dominant hemispherium. In right-handed people, right hemispheres are dominant, and in people with left-handedness, hemispherium is the dominant one.
1.      Motoric Aphasia
a)      Cortical Motoric Aphasia
Place to save the passwords of words is the cortex broca area. So if the warehouse is destroyed, there will be no more words that can be issued. So motoric aphasia is the loss of the ability to express the contents of the mind by using words. The sufferer still understands spoken and written language, but verbal expression can not be at all.
b)      Subcortical Motoric Aphasia
Passwords are stored in the broca's surface layer, then if damage occurs at the bottom all words are still stored intact in In the warehouse. However, the word can not be issued because it is disconnected, so the command to issue a word can still be delivered to the word delivery warehouse so that the verbal expression is still possible with the inducement so the sufferer can not expel his mind by using words, but can still verbal expression by whispering.
c)      Transcortical Motoric Aphasia
Transcortical motoric fascia occurs due to disruption of direct links between broca and wernice areas. This means, the direct connection between understanding and expression of language is disrupted. In general this transcortical motoric affasia is a lesicortical that damages some broca areas. So the sufferer can express the words of his substitution. For example, to say pencil in answer to the question "What do I hold this name?". He can not get the word out. However, being able to, issue the words, "that, is that, that, that, to write." This aphasia is also called nominative.
2.      Sensory Aphasia
The cause of sensory aphasia is the result of lesicortical damage in the wernicke region of the dominant hemisphere. The area lies in the associative area between visual areas, sensory areas, motor areas, and hearing areas. The destruction in Wernicke's area caused not only the understanding of what was heard (the auditoric sense) disturbed, but also the understanding of what was seen (the visual sense) was disturbed. Thus, these sensory aphasic sufferers lose their sense of spoken language and written language. However, he still has a verbal bulb even though it is not understood by himself or others. The verbal bulge is a new language (neologism) that no one understands. Verbal bulk itself from words, there are similar, there is precisely with the words of any language. Neologism is pronounced with the rhythm, tone, and melody matching with the existing foreign language. Their attitude was normal, as if he had a dialogue in a mutually understandable language. He was ordinary, not tense, angry, or depressed. Truly what he said and what he heard (normal verbal language), both of which he did not understand at all.


The normal human brain function and speech tool, certainly can speak well. However, those who have abnormal brain function and speech, certainly have difficulty in speaking, both productive and receptive. So, language skills are disrupted. This language disorder can be broadly divided into two. First, the disruption caused by medical factors; And secondly, due to social environmental factors. What is meant by medical factors is a disorder, either due to abnormalities of brain function, as well as due to speech disorders abnormality. While the meaning of environmental social factos is the environment of human unnatural life, such as marginalized or isolated life of human society is reasonable. Medical disorder can be differentiated into three groups, namely (1) speaking disorder, (2) language disorders, (3) impaired thinking. Because the disorder can still be overcome if the patient has normal hearing; If not necessarily be difficult or very difficult. Speaking is a motor activity that contains psychic modalities. Therefore, these speech disorders can be grouped into two categories. First, the impaired speech mechanisms that have implications for organic disorders; And second, psychogenic speech disorders.


Abdul Chaer. 2009. Psikolinguistik Kajian Teoristik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Sheldon Rosensberg. 1987. Advances in Apllied Psycholinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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